The product manager’s guide to embedded analytics users love


Impact and value. Key challenges. The tools being invested in. What PMs should be looking for. Explore it all.

As in-app data exploration becomes the new standard in the user experience of both B2B and B2C apps, users expect these applications to offer analytics to help them get value out of their data.

Product leaders and developers are facing new challenges in delivering an experience that puts them ahead of the competition.

But how do product leaders help their developers have a great embedded analytics building experience? How do they put out a product that keeps their users coming back for more?

Welcome to The Product Manager’s Guide to Embedded Analytics Users Love. 👇

Who took part?

We couldn’t have built this guide without help from the product management community.

From the Heads and Directors of Product to Associate Product Managers and more, so many took part in our survey, all hailing from a variety of companies varying in size and scale. Here’s a selection of those that took part…

Why did we do this report?

Curious users often need to ask a series of questions before they derive real insights. And when they’re in an app, they don’t have analysts or developers to help them ask those questions. They’re on their own.

For users to really get insights, they need the analytics to be self-service and interactive, otherwise, they'll ultimately be left unsatisfied. But building a solution from the ground up can be incredibly challenging, and the analytics adoption and retention rates most apps with analytics see today are very low.

But there's no doubt that product managers have a massive opportunity to increase customer satisfaction, usage, and overall revenue by improving the analytics in their products and apps.

Together with ThoughtSpot Everywhere, we want to help you see how you can do just that!

Download the report